Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Piece of the Week:
I’m waiting.

One planet out of alignment,
And if I knew which one,
...I’d move it--
And if I could,
I’d find you behind it.

After all,
Where else could you be?
I’ve searched in my life,
My prayers,
My dreams,
Without a sign.

How long has it really been?
Most phenomena–
The most spectacular–
Occur every hundred
Or thousand
Have I known you before,
When the last star struck?
When the last eclipse
Renewed the sun?
When we were different people
In a different place
In a different time?

However long it has been
Or will be,
I will not be deterred
By another pair of eyes.
I will not be distracted
By another crescent smile.
I will not be taken in
By another soft whisper.

I will wait
Just for you.

Waiting. I actually wrote this one without prompt--just sat and wrote--but there's the prompt for if you need it.

Work in Progress:
Nothing lately.

Distractions Used:
The rain outside.

Currently Reading:
Nothing lately.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Piece of the Week:
I can do it. I know I can. So easily.
The bows, the fragments of their language--I even know the dance by heart.
I've tried to show him--to show all of them. While Jack took center stage on Mister's arm, the crowd applauding and fixated on his every twitch, I sat in the background, following along, but with greater precision, grace, and timing.
No one ever saw me.
But now they will. Now that Jack is "gone".
There's Mister, coming into the room. So I'll squawk and gesture with my head, and he'll come, and then I'll show him that I'm the real star--and have been all along.

Parrot. Yesterday at the library, the entertainer brought exotic animals to talk about and share with everyone. After the program was over, he was telling the stragglers about how his one parrot Abbey had killed another bird, Jack, who had always been the star of the show. Then the following day, she gestured for him to come see something, and showed him the entire show's routine.

Work in Progress:
I've been stuck between work, rehearsal, and catching up on my voice acting, so I haven't been doing much writing.

Distractions Used:

Currently Reading:
Nothing right now. It's quite hideous and shameful how bare this section has been.

Friday, July 2, 2010


Piece of the Week:
There once was a sailor named Jake
Whose life was always at stake
Ev'ry sneeze that he blew
Rocked the ship and the crew
And caused the whole ocean to quake

Sailor. Wednesday, a sailor came to the library to sing shanties and play the concertina--'twas fun. Sorry for the belated post--I wasn't feeling well.

Work in Progress:
I've actually just been working on the notes for one story, inspired by Mesoamerican culture and mythology.

Distractions Used:
Two and a Half Men on TV.

Currently Reading:
None right now, but I have a four-day weekend...